Saturday, 22 November 2014

All of this occurred a long time ago, but my grief is even older.



by Ma_thilde, via Flickr

pa-lo-ma:  Mathilde Aubier

Should I have realized all your memories,-- 
should I be the one who can bind you 
hand and foot,-- I shall strangle you. 

Mathilde Aubier

(20) Tumblr

leawoodpecker: “ Coral pattern. ”
lea woodpecker

phoebe bird

Red tree soul

lock them out.

I drew one of my favourite photos

meet me / october 2014
karolina koryl


Coffee Company
These pieces are now exhibited at the Coffee Company Rotterdam.
sandy van helden


Johnny ruzzo

You Are Sacred/You Are Scared

PICAME – Google+

Dear as remember'd kisses after death,
And sweet as those by hopeless fancy feign'd
On lips that are for others

Katherine Streeter
Katherine Streeter

1 comment:

  1. title- Pessoa

    1. line Rimbaud

    2. line - Pessoa

    3. line - Jacques Derrida

    4. line - Lord Tennyson
