Thursday, 20 November 2014

...a slow, friendly death...

arian behzadi - Google pretraživanje

six_holes -  bonnie marie smith
" six holes "

Bonnie Marie Smith

bonnie marie smith
Julia deVille jewelry, taxidermy
Julia de Ville jewellery, taxidermy

Julia deVille (taxidermy)

In the darkness of a sealed hole,
in the small sad world of his flesh’s dispersal
the dead man manages his miserable dead existence.

avery palmer

Brooks Shane Salzwedel: High Forest Tin. Hand drawn graphite on Duralar cast in layers of resin within a tin box.
hand drawn graphite on Duralar cast in layers of resin within a tin box

Brooks Shane Salzwedel
Brooks Shane Salzwedel

“During Sleep”, 2002, Kunstmuseum Luzern/Switzerland, photo: Sunhi Mang

skeins of yarn thread 

chiharu shiota

entry display in the Museum of Communication in Frankfurt

Jean Luc Cornec - telephone sheep object in the Frankfurt Museum of Communications. Sculpture.
Jean Luc Cornec 

Red Crouch, 2014, by Susannah Zucker
Susannah Zucker

Rakel fridlund

Rakel Fridlund
Rakel Fridlund


  1. 1. line - m. z. danielewski
    2. line - hanoch levin
    3. line - john muir
    4. line - edna o'brien

  2. This is very interesting art. A slight bit morbid but creative.
