Wednesday, 6 August 2014

... framed in constant questioning ...

martin lewis

Brodsky & Utkin

Konstantin Kalynovych

philip pearlstein

edgar holloway


Related image

Käthe Kollwitz

Image result for 1902

john brack

nicolas v.sanches

Paul Hill , 'Screen 11' 

- John Kenn
They abducted a house, not for the humans it contained, but for the thing itself. The sky can be lonely. 
John Kenn draws monsters on post-it notes.  I’m pretty sure this is what post-it notes were made for.  His work is Kubin + Sendak, roughly, some glorious obsession with the underwater unknowns, and also with the edge of the woods. Creatures. 

You might also like: Underwater Predator; Heart’s Bathyscaph; Oyster With Additions; Cloud Museum & Flying Fish
john kenn


  1. 1. line - borges
    2. line - Christina Stead
    3. line - nietzsche
    4. line - John Milton

  2. Many thanks for sharing my cinema drawing (signed P Hill) in such an awesome collection of artworks. Its actually a drawing from memory originally tilted 'Screen 11' of the Interior of the Warner Brothers 12 screen mutli plex cinema, Pilsworth, Bury... now sadly demolished. I have seen 100's films in that screen in the 1990's. Love your blog, best wishes, Paul Hill.
