" There is no such thing as an empty word "
— Martin Heidegger

“Language is the house of Being. In its home man dwells.
Those who think and those who create with words
are the guardians of this home.”

"Anxiety is there. It is only sleeping.
Its breath quivers perpetually through Dasein "
— Martin Heidegger

“Freedom is only to be found where there is burden
to be shouldered. In creative achievements this burden
always represents an imperative and a need that weighs
heavily upon man’s mood, so that he comes to be in
a mood of melancholy. All creative action resides
in a mood of melancholy, whether we are clearly aware
of the fact or not, whether we speak at length about it
or not."
— Martin Heidegger

"Only he who already understands can listen”
— Martin Heidegger

“the end, the last, the limit, that at which something
stops, that whereby something is restricted to what it is.
Restriction as enclosure in the current appearance. Restriction
as highest and fulfilled exerting force. Restriction in
the Greek sense as confinement within boundaries, ones which
simultaneously merely let the restricted thing be seen
and also delimit it against other ones, and — conceal it
in its belongingness to them. Restriction a sort of
concealment, especially if seen in terms of the pure
presence of that which comes to presence, rather than
in terms of the respective “this” in its individuation.”
— Martin Heidegger

...it should all end with geometric exactitude...

“Das Nichts nichtet”
— Martin Heidegger
Art in order of appearance:
1. Toba Khedoori 2. Sanyu 常玉
3. Iris Schwarz 4. Robert Lotosh (Роберт Лотош)
5. Lena Adarchenko 6. Margaret Kilgallen
7. Gary Hume 8. Navio Vazio
9. Pierre Boncompain 10. Paweł Jońca
11. Paul Klee 12. Aldo Salvadori 'Putting my Heads Together'
13. Farah Willem (le souffle blanc) 14. Kirsty Hall
15. Karolina Koryl 16. Karolina Koryl
17. Tracey Emin 18. Toba Khedoori
19. Claire Loder 20. Karolina Koryl
21. Karolina Koryl 22. Pia Bramley
23. Toba Khedoori 24. Richard Haines
25. Nathaniel Russell 26. Alexandra Duprez
27. Antony Gromley 'Mind and Body' 28. Stephan Dybus Malblock
29. Toba Khedoori 30. Toba Khedoori
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