Sir Herbert James Gunn
“You talk when you cease to be at peace with your thoughts.”

Svetlana Kurmaz,'Small Talk'

Lucy Grossmith

Bogusław Jagiełło (detail)

Marat Danilyan,'Olivia'
Lynn Chenn,'Life Dream'

Abbey McCulloch

Kuroki Mitsuko

Bonnie Marie Smith,'Tammy'
And so she looks upon the floor
Or listens at an open door

Leon de Smet
Or sits besides the chinaware,
Sits mouthing meekly in a chair,
With over-curled, hard waving hair
Above her eyes.
Or grins too vacant into space—
A vacant space is in her face—
Where nothing came to take the place

Konstantin Sutyagin
“Imagination is the golden-eyed monster that never sleeps.
It must be fed; it cannot be ignored.”

Alexej von Jawlensky

Jennifer Davis


Xi Pan

Egon Schiele

André Lhote

Pan Yuliang
To be what I
am .
To live the life that was set for me to
To voice the things that only I can
To bear the blossoms that are
commanded of my heart.
This is what I want, and surely, this cannot
be presumptuous.

Alfred Courmes

Hugo Grenville

Euan Uglow

Alexander Sokht,'Barmaid'

Alexander Sokht,'Red Hair Girl'

Edgar Fernhout

Eric Bowman

Ramon Casas i Carbó
1. line - Kahlil Gibran
2.and 3. line - Djuna Barnes
4. quote - Patricia A. McKillip
5. line - Rilke
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