Thursday, 29 September 2016

"If our heart were large enough to love life in all its detail, we would see that every instant is at once a giver and a plunderer”

Julia Balthazar

helena perez garcia illustration 6 mirror gouache pattern.jpg:
Helena Perez Garcia

Ayumi Takahashi

felicita sala:
Felicita Sala

Bjorn Lie:
Bjorn Lie

Loris Lora:
Loris Lora

Saar Manche:
Saar Manche

Kalina Muhova:
Kalina Muhova

Clare Owen

She was consoling to them.
(...) would  look for people in trouble

and offer help, even though

her body was relatively weak

Nusch & Sonia by helena_perez_garcia, via Flickr:

Helena Perez Garcia

« We are given a shot at dancing with, or at least clapping along with, 
the absurdity of life, instead of being squashed by it over and over again. 
It's like singing on a boat during a terrible storm at sea. You can't 
stop the raging storm, but singing can change the hearts and spirits 
of the people who are together on that ship. »

Loris Lora:
Loris Lora

Laurent Moreau:
Laurent Moreau

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Chantal Joffe

Afternoon Tea by Hu Yongkai:
'Afternoon Tea' -  Hu Yongkai

Hu Yongkai

 "Impossible Friendships"
porcelain cups—and the talks about philosophy
with a timid student or the postman.

A passerby with proud  eyes
whom you'll never know.

Friendship with this world, ever more perfect
(if not for the salty smell of blood).

And friendship with yourself

—since after all you don't know who you are.

Tea for two:
Isabel Reyes Feeney (paiandpear)

Editorial Collection 2014-2015 on Behance illustration lipstick girls blue…:
Lisk Feng

Illustrations by Gosia Herba:
Gosia Herba

Women's Magazines. Illustration. by Gosia Herba, via Behance…:
Gosia Herba

women: approaches to life by Marianna Tomaselli, via Behance:
Marianna Tomaselli

« She will thus calm her friend, and herself—and, to reach beneath
 the metaphor, rescue life from grief, clarity from chaos, without 
denying the existence of grief and chaos. She pulls her chair up to 
her desk "We'll see who wins this time," “ she says. Art wins . We win . «

Roman Muradov.:
Roman Muradov

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Madalina Andronic

Grace Helmer:
Grace Helmer

The budding twigs spread out their fan, 
To catch the breezy air; 
And I must think, do all I can, 

That there was pleasure there. 

helena perez garcia illustration flowers.jpg:
Helena Perez Garcia

«Man has to believe, to know, from time to time why he  exists; 
man cannot flourish without a periodic trust in life.. »

 title - Gaston Bachelard
1. - excerpt from a poem by Jennifer Bartlett
2. quote - Anne Lamott
3. excerpt from a poem of Adam Zagajewski
4. from an article in new yorker magazine
5. line - William Wordsworth
6. quote - Friedrich Nietzsche

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