Tuesday, 25 August 2015

"I don't know what anything "is"; I only know how it seems to me at this moment."


Angie H. Iver
Angie H. Iver

 "If the window is on your right, you are in your own bed. 
 If the window is over your heart, and its painted shut, 
 then we are breathing river water." 

‘Black Water’Something will grab back.
nvm.illustration - ‘Black Water’Something will grab back.'

 "Like voices echoing in his senses from beyond 
 Life's watery source, and which into one voice unite, 
 Vast and the turning planet clothed on darkness and light, 
 So do all sounds and hues and fragrances correspond." 

Cathy g. Johnson
Cathy g. Johnson

Monica Barengo

 "Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are 
 hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground." 

  "There was the black solitude of the islands, 
 and there, woman of love, your arms took me in."  

Monica Barengo

Gustav-Adolf Mossa (1883-1971)
Gustav-Adolf Mossa

Darren Hopes 

Angie H. Iver

Angie H. Iver

Angie H. Iver

Saatchi Art Artist vanessa uher; Painting, “Too many Structures - Portrait of a Highly Gifted.” #art
'Too many Structures - 
Portrait of  highly Gifted.'

Saatchi Art Artist vanessa uher; Painting, “In my dreams” #art
Vanesa Uher

Saatchi Art Artist Monica Bonzano; Painting, “WHEN YOU SAID NO” #art
'When you said no.'

Saatchi Art Artist Monica Bonzano; Painting, “AM FINE” #art
'Am fine'

Saatchi Art Artist Monica Bonzano; Painting, “HIDING FROM OURSELVES” #art
Monica Bonzano, 'Hiding from Ourselves'

Saatchi Art Artist Stefanie Lutz; Painting, “Curtain up for” #art
Stefanie Lutz

Saatchi Art Artist Felix Hemme; Painting, “D’après Onchi Koshiro, Portrait de Hagiwara Sakutaro” #art
 Felix Hemme

Saatchi Art Artist Giovanna Mancini; Painting, “If indeed there is a God” #art
 Giovanna Mancini, 'If indeed there is a God'

Saatchi Art Artist Matthew Carter; Painting, “Roof” #art
Matthew Carter

Saatchi Art Artist Xingzi Gu; Painting, “the look” #art
Xingzi Gu


Saatchi Art Artist Alex Jackson; Painting, “Orange Juice” #art

 "The small wisdom is like a water in a glass: 
 clear, transparent, pure. 
 The great wisdom is like the water in the sea: 
 dark, mysterious, impenetrable."  

Saatchi Art Artist Alex Jackson; Printmaking, “Hands Down, Shot” #art
Alex Jackson

title - Robert Anton Wilson-  
1. line - Richard Siken
2.  from a poem of Baudelaire

3. quote - Rumi
4. line - Pablo Neruda
5. quote - Rabindranath Tagore