"Damn wind shift sudden as a woman mind."
- Derek Walcott -

Marcel Rieder

Minerva Chapman

Stefan Johansson

"Either all lights are turned off or one inner light is missing."
- Dejan Sojanovic -

Niels Holsoe

George Clausen

Christian Krohg

John Henry Lorimer

When you flip the switch in that attic, it doesen' matter
whether its been dark for ten minutes, ten years, or ten decades.
The light still illuminates the room and banishes the murkiness,
letting you see the things you couldn't see before.
It's never too late to take a moment to look.
- Sharon Salzberg -

"Everyone carries a room about inside him. This fact can even be
proved by means of the sense of hearing. If someone walks fast
and one pricks up one's ears and listens, say in the night, when
everything round about is quiet, one hears, for instance, the rattling
of a mirror not quite firmly fastened to the wall.
- Franz Kafka -

Victor Pivovarov

Moral vision whose intense, meandering design
Seems lightened by a pure simplicity of feeling,
As in grief, or in the pathos of life
Cut off by loneliness, indifference or hate,
Because the most important thing is human happiness -
Not in the sense of private satisfaction, but of
Lives that realize themselves in ordinary terms
And with quiet inconsistencies that make them real.
- John Koethe -
Seems lightened by a pure simplicity of feeling,
As in grief, or in the pathos of life
Cut off by loneliness, indifference or hate,
Because the most important thing is human happiness -
Not in the sense of private satisfaction, but of
Lives that realize themselves in ordinary terms
And with quiet inconsistencies that make them real.
- John Koethe -

Lionel Bulmer